Somos cinco, mujeres, jóvenes artistas, diferentes en carácter, procedencia, y gustos. Reunidas por el azar y la suerte, Mari de Japón, y Eda de Turkía amigas que, de visita en Valencia, se quedaron encantadas con la palabra "maruchis", pues así nos llamábamos entre nosotras las "residentes", amigas y compañeras de piso, de facultad y de batallas. Así, en una cocina, entre pimientos, café, naranjas, berenjenas, pimienta y té, surgió el proyecto "Maruchis del Mundo". Un blog que pretende ser punto de encuentro, que supere los kilómetros que nos separan, de intercambio y una manera de mantenernos activas en colectividad. Así con toda la humildad de las pequeñas cosas, del día a día, pasadas por el tamiz de la creatividad y de las ganas de repensar el mundo, nace Maruchis of the World, que finalmente será Maruchis del Mundo: ventana de encuentro, y puerta de acceso a todas la maruchis que nos quieran seguir.
By Claudia
私にとっての"Maruchis del Mundo(世界のマルッチ)"
“おもしろき ことなきこの世を おもしろく”(幕末の武士・高杉晋作の句)
”VIVA LA VIDA”(スペイン語で人生万歳)
"Maruchis del Mundo(Maruchis of the World)" for Me
Mari Ishiwata
“How do you think to eat (by doing your art)?”
This is the question that many people asked me. This must be by simple & harmless motivation, however, it made me feel that there was a big wall & a shackle for me.
How do I eat? Where do I live? How do I wear myself? What do I feel about what? What kind of face & words do I have in which situation? HOW DO I LIVE MY DAILY LIFE?
… “WHO AM I?” must be the group of all these questions.
I met “Maruchis” in a kitchen in Valencia, where I visited my friend Francis, who was a participant of my project “Ishiwata Biennale” in 2009. In this appartment which is shared by 3 girls from Canaria Island of Spain – Francis, Irene and Claudia, they called each other “Maruch!” to who worked too much of cooking, cleaning, washing... etc.
According to them, “Maruchi” is a nickname of typical Spanish women who are named such as “Maria”, “Maria del Carmen”, “Mariana”..... So this nickname could bring some association of “typical women” who dadicate to house work & take care of people like a typical mother.
Now there joined Eda from Turkey and me from Japan, we spent time pleasantly together, calling each other “Maruchis!” “Maruchis!”. Whatever made me feel life pleasant, such as cooking, ofcouse eating, cleaning and washing... “Maruchi! It's me to be today's Maruchi!” “Maruchi” Don't take my work away! I can wash it!!”... Working together, taking care and Being taken care each other, we laughed a lot.
I have been stuck with “What is art?” “What does it mean to live as an artist?”. I have been thinking over and over, hurt by its lonliness. I would continue thinking over about it, and sometime it must be lonely to investigate what I really believe. However, after all, I would rather prefer to live my life as a happy-small human, than living as a unhappy-lonely-great artist. The question then is “What is happiness for me?” and “What do I chose/throw away for my own happiness?” And the answer should be always hidden in my daily life, which doesn't look spectacle nore funny at all.
“omoshiroki kotonaki konoyo o omoshiroku”
( poem by Shinsaku Takasugi, one of the last Samurai in 19th century )
if I need to... I'd translate: change your world pleasantly, as if this boring world is something pleasant.
Or simply,
(It is such a famos phrase in Spanish but how do you say in English? “Life!!!! Yoohooo!!!!!!” ?)
Maruchi er...
// å høre på musikk // å nyte stillhet // å jobbe i butikk // kunstneriske prosjekter // sko med høye hæler // nytt undertøy // gammelt undertøy // regn, regn og masse mer regn // en gammel komfyr som tar evigheter å varme // en vannkoker // å alltid huske nøklene // to svarte katter i nabolaget som ser helt like ut og du er aldri helt sikker på om det er den samme katten eller ikke // mange trehus // godstog og vanlige tog // den samme stupide grafittien som sier ‘bad attidude’ hver gang du går forbi // sanger på hjerna // å leve alene // å leve sammen med noen // å sende flørtende sms til en kjærlighet langt unna // å kjøpe ferdigmat // å bestemme seg for å prøve noe nytt // å se inn butikkvinduer på vei hjem // å lade ipoden // å tenke på å ta en tur på fjellet // å ta en tur på fjellet // å lure på om du skal ta med en paraply eller ikke // å ringe en venn og snakke med handsfree // å ringe en venn og ønske du hadde kjøpt en handsfree // å google noe // å se på himmelen // å spise brød // å glemme å ta med ryggsekk // å bruke femten minutter på å bestemme hvilken tannkrem du skal kjøpe // å laste ned et nytt spill // et hus uten rette vinkler // friskt vann fra springen // å høre på vinden ule og varmovnen si tinc-tinc // store flokker av kråker som sirkler over huset // duer som spiser brødsmuler i parken // å ringe mamma og pappa // å drømme om fremtiden // å være arbeidsledig // å ha for mye å gjøre // å føle seg liten i en stor verden // å gå på teater // å skifte dekk og spylerveske i ny og ne // å betale regninger // å håpe at laptopen ikke dør helt enda selv om den viser tegn på trøtthet // å tenne lys // å se tilfeldige youtubevideoer // å se etter mat i kjøleskapet som du vet ikke er der frodi du ikke har satt det der // morsome gardiner // å finne opp noe nytt // å være macho // å gå på byen // store hager // bestikk // Susanne.
Maruchi is...
// to listen to music // to enjoy silence // to work in a store // artistic projects // high heeled shoes // to wear new underwear // to wear old underwear // lots and lots and lots of rain // an old stove that takes for ages to heat // a waterboiler // to always remember the keys // two black cats in the neighborhood that look the same and you are never certain if it is the same cat or not // many wooden houses // freight-trains and normal trains // the same stupid grafiti saying 'bad attidude' every time you pass // songs stuck on your brain // to live alone // to live toghether with someone // to send flirty messages to a love far away // to buy easy-to-cook-meals // to decide to try something new // to windowshop on your way home // to charge the ipod // to think about taking a walk in the mountain // to walk in the mountain // to wonder if you should bring an umbrella or not // to call a friend and talk with a handsfree // to call a friend and wish you had brought a handsfree // to google something // to look at the sky // to eat bread // to forget to bring a rucksack // to use fifteen minutes to decide which toothpaste to buy // to download a new game // a house with no straight angles // fresh water from the tap // to listen to wind howling and heaters tinck-tinckling while cooling down in wintertime // big flocks of crows circling overhead every evening // doves eating breadcrumbs in the park // to call mum and dad // to dream about the future // to be unemployed // to have too much to do // to feel small in a big world // to go to the theatre // to change tires and washer fluid every once in a while // to pay bills // to hope and pray your laptop is not dying even though it shows signs of tiredness // to light candles // to watch random youtube videos // to look for food in the fridge that you know isn't there because you didn't put it there // funny looking curtains // to invent something new // to be macho // to go out dancing // huge gardens // cutlery // Susanne.
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